About Mica's Munchies

Cooking is what I enjoyed most doing but still consider myself a novice cook but I'm an expert eater I must say.. :) This blog chronicles all my firsts, all my tried and tested recipes, as well as my successes and failures in the kitchen. Will also write about some of my restaurant discoveries and adventures. So sit back, relax and happy reading. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Candy Pretzels and Oreos

Today is my daughter's last day at her daycare and I decided to bring some treats for the kids. My daughter knew exactly what she wanted to bring so last night we went to the grocery store and picked up some Pretzel rods and Oreo cookies. I wanted to put some personal touch to it so we got some candy melts as well to cover the Pretzels and Oreos. My dear daughter loves working in the kitchen with me so this was a great opportunity for her.

So, last night, mother and daughter tandem worked in the kitchen, melted candies, colored them, covered the Pretzels and Oreos. It was a repetitive process, all together we have covered, 30 pretzels and 30 cookies. We finished them up longer than I expected because you know what happens when a toddler gets up close and personal with chocolates, right? :). But she enjoyed making them, it was a great bonding moment I must say.

Here are the Oreo cookies. It's an animal design, my daugter's favorite was the elephant.. :)

And here are the Pretzel rods. Flowers for the girls and smiley faces for the boys.

Here they are all wrapped up and ready to go... We had fun putting these together, after it was all done, she still kept saying, "I want more Mommy".... for me that was an assurance that these will be a hit for the kids at the daycare.


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