About Mica's Munchies

Cooking is what I enjoyed most doing but still consider myself a novice cook but I'm an expert eater I must say.. :) This blog chronicles all my firsts, all my tried and tested recipes, as well as my successes and failures in the kitchen. Will also write about some of my restaurant discoveries and adventures. So sit back, relax and happy reading. :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Grilled Sesame Crusted Tuna

First time I had Sesame Crusted Tuna was at Bobby Vans in New York and loved it since. Tuna Steaks at our local grocery store always reminds me of this dish. Unlike before, if you ask me about tuna, fist thing that would come to my mind was sushi but not anymore.

Besides its wonderful flavor, one of the things that's remarkable about tuna steaks is simply how great they look especially with nice brown crust that conceals a tender red interior. Tuna can be very expensive that's why you have to make sure that you do it right and not put it to waste. So tonight, I decided to make this dish and promised myself not to overcook it. My dear husband wanted it rare in the center so that was my goal for tonight. And I think he pretty much approved of the outcome. I paired this dish with Caprese Salad - click for the link


2 ahi tuna steaks
1/4 cup extra virgin oil
3/4 tsp kosher salt ground
3/4 black pepper
2 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp white sesame
2 tbsp seeds black sesame seeds

Preheat a ridged grill pan over medium-high flame. Wash and pat tuna steak dry with paper towels. Brush both sides of the tuna with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Then dredge the tuna steaks in sesame seeds. Grill the tuna until desired degree of doneness. I like mine just seared on the outside but still rare in the center, about 2 minutes per side. Then drizzle with lemon juice and serve.

This is great served with any type of salad. Plus, I whipped up my own dipping sauce for the tuna made up of soy sauce, wasabi paste, chopped green onions, honey, rice vinegar, lemon juice, ginger and orange juice which was a great hit.


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